Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lazy Days

Well, there's not much going on with me these days....Just sitting around, watching t.v., and trying to get enough calcium. Jason and I have started our bankruptcy, through no fault of his...I was a young stupid girl with credit cards and such....not a good thing! He and I have been shopping for the baby though. We got a few things and Mo has given us a few others. We got to see Estella and Mo twice yesterday and three times today. They even met us at the second hand shoppe that we got all the baby's clothes at for less than $7. Here are some pics of the outfits we got.


Estella's Mom said...

You two totally scored at J.C. today! Those outfits are so cute!

Estella's Mom said...

I forgot to drop you by my house so you could shop from the Dougie boxes. I guess Estella and I will camp out in her room for a while and pick through. I'm totally looking forward to unloading on you. Clear out a place in the nursery. I may bring some things over later tonight.