Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lazy Days

Well, there's not much going on with me these days....Just sitting around, watching t.v., and trying to get enough calcium. Jason and I have started our bankruptcy, through no fault of his...I was a young stupid girl with credit cards and such....not a good thing! He and I have been shopping for the baby though. We got a few things and Mo has given us a few others. We got to see Estella and Mo twice yesterday and three times today. They even met us at the second hand shoppe that we got all the baby's clothes at for less than $7. Here are some pics of the outfits we got.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

New developments

Well, the morning sickness seems to have backed off, especially since I have learned some tips and tricks to help. Jason and I went for our first ultrasound yesterday. We thought that I was 10 +1 weeks and it turned out that I'm actually 6+4 weeks. I have irregular cycles so it makes it hard for us to track anything. Our Dr. was really impressed with our baby. He says that at 6 weeks you can usually just barely make out the heartbeat by sight on the ultrasound monitor, but he could actually use the sound function to pick up the heartbeat. He said that in his 17 years of practice he's never had that happen before, and that our little bean must have a VERY strong heart! He said that our chance of miscarriage has dropped to 3%. Which obviously makes us very happy! I'm going to add the pics now.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Things I didn't expect

Well, lets start this off on a good note, Mo and Pam took me out for lunch to celebrate on Thursday, we went to La Paloma, it's a super-good Mexican place, specializing in soapillias . And boy, was it just the right thing! Their daughter, Estella, the little ham that she is, caught the attention of everyone around, especially our waitress, who picked her up and walked around with the lil spotlight. Another good note is that nearly everyone we've told about the baby is very happy for us, with the exception of my mother, who just seems pissed about it. And the last, but certainly not least, good note is that Jason has been so helpful, doing everything from dishes, to shutting the door to the bedroom (where I'm normally found now....sleeping) when he cooks his favorite meal....Ramen noodles (YUCK!). What a sweetie! On the down side, I'm nauseous all the time, my lower abdomen is usually having small (only annoying, really) cramps, I'm sooooo sleepy all the time and I'm super paranoid. I'm afraid to cough, sneeze, fart, take a crap, throw up, sit up too fast (I get dizzy all the time now), lay on my belly....Just about anything you could name, including not knowing what I really should and shouldn't eat. So far I'm sticking to fruit, veggies, milk, cereal, bread, more milk, non-caffeinated and diet sodas, spaghetti, and my latest obsession.....FRENCH FRIES! Good Lord, I cannot get enough of those greasy lil bastards!