Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A thousand years later.....

Sorry it's been so long since I updated, I get so involved with the baby, nursery, family, and my dear, sweet Jason; and so easily distracted from all the other important things in life. For instance, I recently realized that Jason and I still haven't told most of his family about the baby, and that I have so much to get ready for our visitors. (Jason's brother and his wife are flying in from Colorado, they arrive on Sat. the 13th!!!) We had an emergency ultrasound last Wednesday, I had some bleeding, and since it was the second time in a week, they decided to do a scan. Everything is absolutely fine. The baby's heartbeat went from 140 at 6 weeks to 173 at this scan. I was supposed to be at 9 weeks when they did the emergency scan, but we discovered that I was actually 11 weeks. That means that come this Friday, I can kiss my first trimester goodbye! WOOHOO!!! I can't believe how much our little bug has grown! I'll post some ultrasound pics as soon as I get the motivation. I've had some really bad morning sickness, so the Dr. put me on Ondansetron, to help with it. I have to say that for maybe the first 4-6 days, it worked like a charm, but lately I'm having trouble holding anything down again.

Except for today, I feel like a million bucks! For the first time in months, I felt like doing something other than laying on the couch, throwing up. So I took a bath, laid around reading for a few hours, swept the porch and the carport, made dinner, rearranged the nursery (I'll get it so I like it eventually, right?), straightened up the house, and got my butt in gear on my blog.

Jason made dinner tonight, and I ate like a pig! We had steak, mashed potatoes (I couldn't eat them...too rich) corn, and cookies for dessert. Then I wanted an apple, and then an orange, and finally, we split a bag of popcorn. Now I'm all kinds of tired, and will probably head off to bed.